Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Whole New World

It’s been almost a month now since my decision to be vegan and while there are still struggles I am amazed at how easy it has been so far.  In my last post I talked about how my tastes have changed.  That plays a huge part in the ease of my adjustment to this lifestyle.  I enjoy things that are better for me and have fewer and fewer cravings for things that are no longer part of my lifestyle.  I’m learning to understand my cravings as my body telling me what it needs (iron, protein, etc.).  But it’s more than that.  I’m discovering other vegan options that excite me even more in this journey.  There were two such discoveries this week that I would like to share with you. 

On Tuesday I went with some friends to a store called Lush.  I’ve been there once before about a year ago, but didn’t realize the full mission of the business.  Lush sales hygiene and cosmetic products that are entirely vegetarian and heavily vegan, all for the purpose of fighting animal testing and providing cruelty-free products for their customers.

While we were there I struck up a conversation with one of the sales associates who is also vegan.  It was so encouraging to talk to someone on the same page as me and I feel like it opened up a whole new world of not only products but even community.  I know I’m not the only one out there, but it’s so refreshing to meet others who understand where I am and the journey I have ahead of me.

My sister and I also discovered an entirely vegan restaurant nearby called Loving Hut, which again is more than just the product they provide, but the community they encourage by bringing people together of like minds.  The staff is wonderful, the atmosphere is pleasant and the food is incredible.  And there are Loving Hut restaurants all over the world, too!

Both Lush and Loving Hut have a reach beyond the local market and these are just two ways that we can get connected with other vegans.  We have more resources available to us than I ever realized and it’s so exciting!  I’m sure this is just the beginning of even more amazing discoveries that await me on my vegan journey J

Oh, and if anyone is interested, I tend to post a number of pictures on my Instagram account when I make these discoveries and little victories.  Follow me!  User name: stepheranne

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