I don’t miss meat.
I don’t miss cheese.
I don’t miss fast food.
I love tofu.
I like more veggies than I realized.
I need to continue improving my veggie intake,
especially greens.
I love fruit, but I’m still diabetic so I have
to be more careful of eating too much fruit (good sugar is still sugar).
I don’t miss soda; I still occasionally have
some, but I no longer crave it.
I am no longer attached to aspartame.
I know to be careful with any kind of artificial
sweeteners because they trigger sugar cravings.
I drink a lot more water.
I make more conscious decisions in general
concerning food.
I don’t care for vegan cheese.
I really enjoy a bit of chocolate almond milk.
It takes a lot less now for me to feel full.
I still eat “junk food” sometimes but the more I
avoid it, the less I crave it (and even then it’s usually just chips and salsa
or hummus).
I am much more aware of the adverse effects of
meat and dairy consumption, the benefits of a plant-based diet and some of the
science behind both.
I am more aware of animal byproducts in various
foods and even other products (hygiene type products, clothing, etc.).
I rarely need any painkillers; I experience less
headaches and other aches and pains.
I have less severe/less frequent allergy issues.
I am more aware of the affect the modern food
industry has on our environment and animals.
I am more aware of GMOs, what they are and that
they can’t be avoided entirely but there are ways to consume less.
I sometimes get a little grossed out by meat.
I sleep better.
I generally have more energy.
I need to make better use of my energy and be
more active to promote further weight loss.
I have lost 12 lbs. without really trying.
I am learning how to better recognize my
cravings as my body telling me what it needs.
I am amused at the variety of reactions I get
from people when they learn I’m vegan.
I do not expect others to accommodate my
dietary/lifestyle choices; that’s my responsibility.
I do not expect everyone to agree with me
concerning veganism.
I do appreciate when people respect my choices
and/or disagree respectfully.
I will not try to force my opinions on others,
but if you ask, I will share honestly – in this scenario, getting defensive and
argumentative accomplishes nothing on either side.
I don’t like it when people try to pick fights
with me concerning my health and veganism especially since I don’t pick fights
with meat-eaters about their health.
I don’t like being asked frequently about where I
get my protein… plants have protein, beans have protein, nuts and seeds have
protein… you get the picture. Meat may have more protein than some of these
things, but our bodies do not actually require those amounts of protein
(believe it or not there are even vegan body-builders; I follow several on Instagram).
I don’t like being asked if being vegan is
healthy… it’s plants… not animal carcass.
I am saddened every time someone says to me “I gotta
have my meat.” It doesn’t mean I am upset with you or don’t love you, I’m just
far too aware of the workings of the food industry as well as the effects of
that meat on your health to not be saddened by it.
I am continuing to make cruelty-free changes in
other aspects of my life as much as I am able to.
I have witnessed firsthand the positive
emotional and psychological effects of eating a plant-based diet; I am happier
than ever and more content than ever with who I am.
I enjoy the challenge of writing about this
journey and being transparent about it; it provides a source of accountability
and allows me to help inspire others.
I get so excited when a friend is inspired by my
journey and shares this with me.
I greatly value the support of my brother and
sister on this journey as well as the encouragement of many of my friends,
vegan or not.
I am still excited about the changes I’ve made
and am still motivated to keep going.
#govegan #totallyworthit :)
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